7 Benefits Of Voice Training That Might Surprise You

7 Benefits Of Voice Training That Might Surprise You. The Blogging Musician @ adamharkus.com
7 Benefits Of Voice Training That Might Surprise You. The Blogging Musician @ adamharkus.com

Thinking of bringing your musical talent to the stage? Are you confident you know everything about singing? There are many nuances involved that make singing look easy to the audience, but provide a challenge for performers. So, do you think an aspiring chef would open a restaurant with little to no training in his craft?

Probably not.

That’s why taking voice lessons brings out the best of your talent. You may be blessed with perfect pitch, but professional guidance on developing that sixth sense and utilizing it to your advantage can go a long way. Below are 7 far-reaching benefits you can reap from taking singing lessons.

1) Building Confidence

The leap from singing in the shower to singing in front of hundreds requires some guts. Voice training can bolster your confidence by providing you with the tools necessary to make the most out of your talent. You will learn the ins and outs of singing so that when you get in front of a huge crowd, you don’t lock up. The more poised you are the better you perform.

2) Insider Knowledge

You will quickly learn that singing is about more than just yelling in tune with a rhythm. Skills like breath control, articulation, delivery, voice projection and other techniques will not only boost your own musical projects but allow you to analyze your favourite songs more critically. You will gain an appreciation for musicians that take the right kind of liberties in their songs and feel more confident about doing so yourself.

3) Increases IQ, Mathematical Ability

Researchers of the University of Toronto discovered that musical training exercises the neural networks that correspond with mathematical ability and spatial intelligence, among other intellectual topics. A study that examined the effects of weekly voice and piano training on children aged 6 saw increases to IQ over the span of a year. The IQ rise was more than two control groups, one of which studied drama and the other which studied nothing. This boost to IQ is much more effective with children than with adults since children’s brain is more malleable than adults’ brains.

4) Emotional Intelligence

Ever listened to a song and realized you felt deeply about the singer’s situation? Musical training connects us with a hidden side of life resonant with the emotions. You can, therefore, learn to express your deepest feelings through voice training. In this way, music provides emotional healing and recognition for musical students. By developing healthy emotional intelligence, you cultivate artistic innovation through vividly experiencing, and creatively communicating, your emotions.

5) Become More Charming

Learning how to use your voice has the fantastic benefit of giving you a wider range of tones to work with in everyday life. This means you get to see firsthand how people respond to different tones in one-on-one situations. For example, you’ll discover which tones lower people’s defences, which ones make you sound more charming, or which ones make you sound more authoritative. People unconsciously respond to the power of your voice, so learning how to utilize it consciously can be of great use in your personal life.

6) Builds Character

Another bonus for the children: research has linked studying classical music to stronger moral character and decreased likelihood of criminal behaviour. If you want your child to grow up more intelligent and with a better moral compass than his or her peers, voice training is one method to accomplish that goal. Musical training also helps students develop self-discipline, focus, and responsibility, all useful traits for success.

7) Improved Public Speaking

If you can sing in front of a huge audience, most certainly you can speak to one. Voice training helps you to organize your thoughts and communicate more powerfully. Any presentation you make will certainly be delivered with poise and fearlessness, especially since you will possess great command over your vocal tones. You will become more courageous performing in front of others, and this builds your leadership qualities as well.

More Than Just Voice Lessons

Bet there were some benefits to voice training you hadn’t considered before! If you are thinking of signing up your child for voice lessons or thinking of taking lessons yourself, the boons of doing so will be of great help in life.


5 responses to “7 Benefits Of Voice Training That Might Surprise You”

  1. It’s valuable that you point out that taking singing lessons can help give you the confidence that you need to avoid freezing up when you are performing in front of a crowd. I would like to practice the performing arts in the future as a hobby, so I’m thinking about taking some singing lessons this year. I’m going to search for a reputable business that offers singing lessons in my area to hire.

  2. Adam Harkus

    No problem. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Adam Harkus

    Thanks for reading Rachel!

  4. Such a great post! Voice training has a number of benefits to offer for not just adults, but kids as well. Thanks for sharing this informative post!

  5. My dad would like to learn how to sing, which is why he’s thinking of taking a voice lesson. Well, I agree with you that voice training will help boost his confidence. You are also right that this will teach him other skills, like breath control, articulation, delivery, and voice projection.

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