It’s about time I focussed on including some decent branding to make The Blogging Musician a little more professional and add a touch more personality, so here’s our new logo!
I wanted to give it a musical feel, and I really like the way the B and M blends into one, while sort of suggesting musical notation. Getting it done was easy and quick (and cheap), just head on over to
Anyway, once you have a logo and branding, WordPress makes it easy to include it into your header, footer and sidebar(s), which adds a bit of zing to the whole site.
It would be good to build on this and take stock, so what are your thoughts? (good or bad).
What more could be done to improve The Blogging Musician?
Are there any designers out there that would like to get involved?
Let’s make the Blogging Musician better than ever!
Love it, Adam.
Thank you Niko my friend. Or is it Randy 🙂