Acoustic Corner : When You’re In Love by Adam Harkus

All my music, now on Soundcloud

Visit my SoundCloud profile for a complete library of all my own music, as well as tracks from Harson Robkus.

It’s sometimes easy to forget my initial aim for The Blogging Musician, long before we had contributors or even a name! was to set up a single place to document and share my own music. A lot’s changed since then, but with the completion of my latest track and video, I thought now was a good time to re-focus on the art of creating music, which has always been my first love.

Firstly, here’s the remastered version of my latest song In Our Hands

Next, a playlist of ALL tracks.

I’d greatly appreciate it if you could check it out, share, comment, like, or simply just lend me your ear. This is my passion, the musical diary of my life, and I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Hope you enjoy it!

Also, don’t forget I also have a YouTube Channel, again geared towards my own music but also with some live performances and guitar tips/reviews, etc.

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