Contributor Spotlight : Gary Shilladay & Dan Davies. The Blogging Musician @ Dan

Contributor Spotlight : Gary Shilladay & Dan Davies

Contributor Spotlight : Gary Shilladay & Dan Davies. The Blogging Musician @ Dan
Contributor Spotlight : Gary Shilladay & Dan Davies. The Blogging Musician @ Dan

Tune in, Tone up! Free Guitar Lessons – A huge collection of free guitar lessons which you can listen to on your device while you’re away from your guitar.

It was over a year ago now when I asked my outstanding guitar teacher Dan Davies whether he would be interested in recording our lessons so that I could try to turn them into a podcast.  We wondered where this might take us, whether these lessons could be worth something to the masses, what it might grow into and what we could learn about the recording process and gaining an online presence.  Over a year later and what we have learnt has been incredible: not only do we still record and publish the lessons, but I have found myself learning so much from listening to myself play and being able to go over the content of each thematic study at my own pace.

With well over 400 listens per episode and growing all the time, it seems that there are many other people out there benefiting from our work.  I hope that you find our lessons as useful as I do and now with so many to choose from, there is plenty of material, advice and tuition to absorb and consider.  It might just help you to move your playing to the next level, inspire you and perhaps even get you out of a rut.  We are even starting to add interviews with musicians to our ever-growing library of resources.

Contributor Spotlight : Gary Shilladay & Dan Davies. The Blogging Musician @ Gazza playing guitar at Mitch and Cat's wedding.
Contributor Spotlight : Gary Shilladay & Dan Davies. The Blogging Musician @ Gazza playing guitar at Mitch and Cat’s wedding.

Our podcast is hosted on SoundCloud: but you can also hear it on most other podcasting platforms including iTunes:

You can find us on Twitter:

Connect with us on Facebook:

And explore the themes, topics and lessons further with us at our website:

Why not take a listen to Guitar Lesson 29 on rhythmic playing in which we start by having a think about funky grooves, move on to look at the riff for Back in Black and finish by thinking about a couple of ways to use note durations and groupings to improvisations over backing tracks? 

If you want to listen to a couple of interviews with musicians then you can check out Interview with a musician episode 1: Dan Davies or Interview with a musician episode 2: Chris Green in which I ask my current and previous teachers questions about learning that guitarists will find really interesting.

Based in Brighton in the UK, we are always happy to answer your questions, get chatting and help to support the learning of enthusiastic people of any age – contact us on

All the best on your guitar learning adventure,

Gary Shilladay and Dan Davies

If you look through our catalogue of lessons you’ll find them on so many different topics and you can see how popular they’ve been by number of listens:

Gary & Dan’s articles @ The Blogging Musician:

In Search of the Perfect Guitar Tone

Unlocking the guitar fretboard and understanding key signatures

Guitar: Apps, Technology and Practice

Tune in, Tone up! Free Guitar Lessons Podcast

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