New ColorMag Theme!

I’ve now switched to a new ColorMag theme as the old Dyad theme wasn’t really working anymore, for a number of reasons…

  • Dyad is mostly geared towards image-heavy sites (which mine isn’t), so having all that page real-estate taken up by my amateur efforts seems a waste.
  • I was after a sidebar widget to make my music promotion etc more visible. Dyad only has a footer widget.
  • ColorMag has Social Media Icon in the header and footer as opposed to the Footer in Dyad.
  • You can’t place ads in the Dyad header
  • You can display your tagline in the Dyad header.
  • Colormag allows colour-coding of categories.

The trade-off is, of course, that ColorMag still doesn’t have the visual impact of Dyad, but it’s worth it because it’s now more obvious what my site is about. It’s also easier to navigate and I can place ads where I want them.

Anyway, let me know what you think!

2 thoughts on “New ColorMag Theme!”

  1. Hello there Adam and Happy New
    Not sure how you found me, but I’m glad you did. I have been listening to your beautiful music while drinking my morning coffee. I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog. I’ve got a miserable head cold at the moment so it’s difficult to concentrate while sneezing every other word but I am interested in your travels and your posts related to music. Will check in later.

    1. Hi Penny.

      Thanks for taking the time to read/listen to my Blog.

      Happy New year to you too! Glad to be a part of the community.

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