Stratocaster Vs. Les Paul. Which is Better? The Blogging Musician @

Stratocaster vs. Les Paul: Which is Better?

In the market for a Fender/Squier Stratocaster or a Gibson/Epiphone Les Paul? Which is better, or are they too different to compare?

For years I’ve either owned a Fender/Squier Stratocaster or a Gibson/Epiphone Les Paul. When I’ve owned a Strat, I’ve always wanted a Les Paul, and vice versa, but now for the first time I own both at the same time, so which is the better guitar?

This video can be viewed as either a direct comparison between the Epiphone ‘Inspired by Gibson’ Les Paul Standard 60’s and the Fender Player Stratocaster, or more generally as a Strat vs Les Paul guide. in my opinion, these are the two greatest guitars ever made, like chalk and cheese, opposite ends of the sonic spectrum, but both are legendary in their own right.

You can’t go wrong either way. So which is better? Only you can decide, but I hope this video gives you enough info to make the right choice for you!

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