Tag: Benefits of Music

  • Why Music is Crucial to the Humanities

    If we wanted to talk about the benefits of music, you’d be reading this all day. Even then, music is so personal that it’s impossible to cover just how much it means to each individual who listens to it, plays it, or appreciates it.  Because music is often referred to as the “universal language,” it…

    Why Music is Crucial to the Humanities
  • 15 Music Experts On The Benefits Of Learning Music

    Music is an art that is shared on an intellectual and spiritual level. Music connects people from all around the world no matter their background, nationality or ethnicity. Music has the power to move people emotionally and create an understanding through self-expression. The effects that music has on us as a people make up a…

    15 Music Experts On The Benefits Of Learning Music
  • How Music Can Benefit Older Adults

    If you’ve ever had a familiar song prompt a long-forgotten memory or felt your body relax while listening to a quiet, soothing piece, you already know how music can affect the human body. While the entire population can benefit from music, music offers certain important benefits to older adults in particular. From helping adults to…

    How Music Can Benefit Older Adults