Tag: BOSS Katana

  • Using a Boss Katana Head with a Line 6 Helix

    Suppose you love your Katana amp, but also love your Line 6 Helix. What’s the best way to use them together? That’s exactly the question that has popped up on forums and social media groups for a few years now. What you’ll need: • Line 6 Helix (floor, LT, or Stomp.)• Boss Katana Head (This can also…

    Using a Boss Katana Head with a Line 6 Helix
  • BOSS Katana vs Valve Guitar Amps

    If tone is your only concern. The BOSS Katana can’t compete with more expensive valve guitar amps. Let me try to explain why. I’ve been a supporter of the BOSS Katana range of amps for years. But how do they really compare with traditional valve guitar amps? I’ve already covered the benefits of the BOSS…

    BOSS Katana vs Valve Guitar Amps
  • Valve vs Solid-State/Modelling Guitar Amps

    My take on the age-old debate over guitar amplification. Valve vs Solid-state/Modelling. The case for and against valves. The Case for Valves Tone Tone is, of course very difficult to describe and highly subjective. In my experience, all my A/B comparisons have resulted in the valve amp coming out on top. Valve amps just sound…

    Valve vs Solid-State/Modelling Guitar Amps
  • What’s your Guitar amp History?

    A look back at all the guitar amps I’ve owned over the years, each with its very own story. What’s your Guitar amp History? Flyspec headphone amp Where it all started. Was it even a guitar amp at all? Plugged into my first ever guitar (a Hondo Strat). Before I’d even discovered gain, it merely…

    What’s your Guitar amp History?
  • Embracing the Guitar rut.

    The Guitar rut: A place where progress and ideas stop. How did I get here? Is it really that bad? As it turns out, I’ve never enjoyed the guitar more! Learning guitar: The path of least resistance When I first picked up the guitar, I learned scales, chords, even whole albums, just for the fun…

    Embracing the Guitar rut.
  • 5 tips on becoming a Cheap Guitarist.

    It’s not all about hard-wired valve amps, custom shop guitars and boutique pedals. For those without bottomless pockets, here are 5 tips on becoming a Cheap Guitarist. 1. Invest in the best quality guitar leads you can afford. Cheap guitar leads are a false economy. If you’re gigging regularly they’re your main point of failure,…

    5 tips on becoming a Cheap Guitarist.
  • BOSS Katana 50 Review. 6 months on.

    Since my original BOSS Katana 50 Review, I’ve been gigging the Boss Katana 50 for a few months now.  Is it still the best guitar-related purchase I’ve ever made? Is the legendary BOSS  reliability holding up? I had my doubts at first. It’s very light and the cabinet’s covering is very thin. Nothing more than…

    BOSS Katana 50 Review. 6 months on.
  • Finding the Perfect Guitar Rig

    After 25 years of trying, I’ve finally found it. The voice in my head, plus convenience and flexibility.  My perfect guitar rig! Guitar, amp, and effects. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But we’re all different, we all have different needs and tastes when it comes to guitar rigs, and there’s a minefield of options out there.…

    Finding the Perfect Guitar Rig