Tag: Google PageSpeed Insights

  • 5 pitfalls of using a free SSL on WordPress

    I recently took the plunge to move my site https using a free SSL provided by my hosted company.  Here’s 5 pitfalls I encountered in doing so. 1. Reduced Google AdSense revenue Yes, I got a boost in traffic, but what good is that when revenue is down? 2. A lower Google PageSpeed Insights score…

    5 pitfalls of using a free SSL on WordPress
  • 5 ways to beat Google’s March Update

    Google’s March Update has caused a significant drop in traffic for many publishers. Here are 5 ways to beat it. What is Google’s March Update? Google’s March update goal is, in response to the advent of generative AI, to ensure searching suggests the best quality content possible, filtering out spam and AI-generated content. Full details…

    5 ways to beat Google’s March Update