Tag: Solid State

  • Valve vs Solid-State/Modelling Guitar Amps

    My take on the age-old debate over guitar amplification. Valve vs Solid-state/Modelling. The case for and against valves. The Case for Valves Tone Tone is, of course very difficult to describe and highly subjective. In my experience, all my A/B comparisons have resulted in the valve amp coming out on top. Valve amps just sound…

    Valve vs Solid-State/Modelling Guitar Amps
  • 5 tips on becoming a Cheap Guitarist.

    It’s not all about hard-wired valve amps, custom shop guitars and boutique pedals. For those without bottomless pockets, here are 5 tips on becoming a Cheap Guitarist. 1. Invest in the best quality guitar leads you can afford. Cheap guitar leads are a false economy. If you’re gigging regularly they’re your main point of failure,…

    5 tips on becoming a Cheap Guitarist.