Tag: Yamaha SG

  • Yamaha Revstar Review: 10 Reasons to Think Again

    The Yamaha Revstar is, on paper, my ideal next guitar. But does it deliver on Yamaha’s promises? I’ve touched on the Yamaha Revstar and, in particular, the humbucker-equipped Yamaha Revstar RSS20 before. But now I’ve laid my hands on one,F do I still want to buy one? Not any more, and here are 10 reasons…

    Yamaha Revstar Review: 10 Reasons to Think Again
  • Should I buy a Yamaha Revstar?

    After almost 4 years with my Fender Player Stratocaster, GAS has once-again crept in for something completely different. Should I buy a Yamaha Revstar? In my 30+ years of player the guitar, Yamaha has always been a brand that has proved solid and reliable. Having owned many a Pacifica, my FG850 acoustic has been a…

    Should I buy a Yamaha Revstar?