Covid Diary. The Blogging Musician @

COVID Diary: Throwing in the Towel.

The second wave of COVID isn’t even close to peaking yet, so why does it appear we’ve given up already?

As I waited at the busy crossroads today I was stopped in my tracks by an old man in a running suit and facemask, cutting across the centre of the 4-way traffic light system, oblivious to all around and not giving so much as a glance up, never mind in either direction or to the traffic lights.

Usually, this sort of stuff raises an eyebrow or a gasp of exasperation at the most. Today though, I was frozen by the guy’s contempt for his own, and other’s safety, and that got my thinking, we’re sadly seeing more and more of this attitude these days.

As I said before, tackling the first wave was beautiful. We took lock-down on the chin like champs, we came together British bulldog style to beat off the common enemy, Vera Lynn even sang us out again for the very last time. Today, just like the old guy, we seem to have lost the plot.

I get the impression all this seems to be a bit a joke to a great many people, either that or some crazy conspiracy theory. The bars can’t hide their anger about restrictions in their COVID updates, they just want to get on with business of course, but I fear this is fuelling a dangerous ignorance and complacency in their customers and the wider community. We’ve gone from being a coherent force of nature to aimless lemmings crying about the pubs closing an hour early.

So please don’t be like the guy I saw today. Value your life and the lives of others. Sure, nobody wants this, but is a f&%!k it attitude really going to get us through it this time?

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