How to teach yourself to play the piano

How to teach yourself to play the piano. The Blogging Musician @
How to teach yourself to play the piano. The Blogging Musician @
How to teach yourself to play the piano. The Blogging Musician @

The piano is one of the world’s most popular instruments, with a ton of resources available for it on the web if you’re learning to play a particular song. But what should you do if you don’t know how to play the piano at all? In most cases, people from all over the world look for tutors to teach them. Is it possible to teach yourself and save a lot of money? Let’s find out!

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As we have already mentioned, this instrument is extremely popular, that’s why there are a lot’s of ways to teach yourself to play the piano.

YouTube tutorials

YouTube is not just a website for funny cat videos, many people consider this service to be a huge multimedia company, which can give answers to almost all your questions. There are dozens of vloggers who explain how to play the harp,  so you can imagine how easy it is to find high-quality videos about piano playing. There are literally thousands of them. You can find all important information about notes, chords and so on. There are also a lot of content creators who explain how to play songs you like. It’s really easy because YouTube gives you a possibility to turn on 0.25x video-speed, so absolute beginners needn’t worry.

Mobile applications

Just turn on your mobile phone and open AppStore or Google Play. There are dozens of mobile applications which can teach you how to play the piano. Some of them can increase your practical skills, while others explain the meaning of such concepts as intervals, key signatures, notes, chords, and so on. It’s extremely simple and comfortable! Moreover, almost all of them are free. Of course, they provide paid content but almost all information which beginners need is free of charge.

Skype tutors

If you realize that you will never understand how to play the piano without a good teacher, we can recommend an effective way to save your money. In most cases, ordinary tutors are very expensive and it’s not always ideal to visit a music school, that’s why you should visit such services as Preply, which gathers “skype tutors”. In fact, there is no difference between these teachers and traditional tutors, but it’s a bit cheaper. Moreover, you can study in the comfort of your own home.

Therefore, there’s no need to pay a lot of money and visit specialized schools if you want to play the piano. The Internet gives you unlimited possibilities to make your dream come true almost for free. Just follow our pieces of advice and you’ll manage to play your first piano song in several days.

If you go down the electric piano route, visit theirishcurse for the latest in home audio advice.

Courtesy of Henry Walsh

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