close up of christmas decoration hanging on tree

Merry Christmas Everyone.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

This year is a little different. I usually take stock, analyse stats, do a bit of a blogging health check, and put together some sort of plan for the New Year ahead, but it’s been absolutely manic with work and home renovations I’m afraid. Long story short, we wanted to give our kids a Christmas when they came down to a room that was actually decorated for once. It was worth it!

The nice thing is, even with the blog on what’s perhaps been a bit of a back-burner for the first time ever, I can happily announce that it’s still growing, I have more readers, and most of all, am still hitting the targets I set myself around 7 years ago.

Despite everything, 2022 has, once again, been the most successful year so far.

I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to, read, commented, and generally engaged with The Blogging Musician over the course of 2022. Without you, there really would be no point in doing it.


As for 2023? Well after the big 500 blog post milestone was hit this year I need another target, I just don’t quite know what that’ll be yet, but one thing that did develop in 2022 was the YouTube channel, so maybe I’ll devote some more time and effort into that. In fact, yeah, hitting the 1000 YouTube subscriber target seems like something worthwhile to aim for. Please subscribe here

Here’s to 2023!

2023, I’m hoping, will be devoid of the turmoil we’ve all seen in every year of the ’20s so far. We’ve had COVID, War, a so-called cost of living crisis, and generally our lives disrupted for the worse, so maybe in 2023 I’ll take a break from the constant diet of worry and fear spread by our mainstream media and, I dunno, get on with life? Have a little more fun? Life’s too short to be worrying about Boris Johnson, or any of them.

So yeah, 2023, I’m hoping, is going to be a ‘getting on with it’ year, so until then I’ll sign off and hope you all enjoy your break (if you have one) with your nearest and dearest, or at least get some well-earned peace.

Thank you again, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and see you in 2023!

Much love.


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