Tag: Garageband iPad

  • 500 YouTube Subs

    The Blogging Musician YouTube channel enriches my blog with video content. I’m now approaching 500 YouTube subs and over 50 videos. Check it out! As the content has expanded, I’ve broken down the following content categories into playlists. Check them out by clicking on the headings. Calling all readers! Help the channel get to 500…

    500 YouTube Subs
  • Music Production: Just Hit Record!

    It’s so easy to get caught up in the next big thing, the latest piece of gear or software that’ll transform your music production fortunes. But the answer to my latest bout of songwriting/music production paralysis has always been right under my nose. In the Beginning. Even with today’s mind-blowing technology, my music production gear…

    Music Production: Just Hit Record!
  • GarageBand iPad YouTube Tutorials

    I’ve recently uploaded my first 5 videos for a new GarageBand iPad YouTube playlist. Check the playlist out here… and here’s a quick rundown of the content. Also, please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel for all the latest uploads and updates here. The YouTube channel isn’t just about GarageBand, I also have playlists…

    GarageBand iPad YouTube Tutorials
  • GarageBand for iPad: 5 Missing Features.

    After using GarageBand for iPad for almost 2 years, here are the top 5 missing features I’ve noticed along the way, with workarounds. Is it still the best DAW experience out there? GarageBand for iPad missing feature #1. No Track Routing or Grouping. Track routing (or bussing) is a really useful feature, for example, to…

    GarageBand for iPad: 5 Missing Features.
  • Garageband iOS vs Ableton Live

    Following on from my initial Garageband for iPad Review, reflections on the completion of my first song produced solely in Garageband for iOS. First of all, here is the finished song: Overall, I’m really happy with it (let me know what you think). But, one song in, what’s Garageband iOS really like to work with?…

    Garageband iOS vs Ableton Live
  • Garageband iPad Review.

    After years of wondering, I finally made the switch from my old PC based setup. So, does Garageband iPad live up to the hype? Garageband iPad: The Positives No more file storage issues Purchasing the 32GB iPad forced me down the cloud storage road for the first time. This is a good thing as it…

    Garageband iPad Review.
  • Garageband: Time to switch?

    For years I’ve stuck with the same home-recording setup of a PC running Ableton Live 8 and a BOSS BR-800. Is it time to switch to Apple’s Garageband for iPad? Bringing back the golden years of home recording. Back in the days before Garageband even existed, I used to work through most of my ideas…

    Garageband: Time to switch?