What Makes a Viola Instrument Awesome? - The Blogging Musician @ adamharkus.com

What Makes a Viola Instrument Awesome?

What Makes a Viola Instrument Awesome? - The Blogging Musician @ adamharkus.com
What Makes a Viola Instrument Awesome? – The Blogging Musician @ adamharkus.com

For musically inclined individuals, the viola is one of the amazing stringed instruments beginners and intermediate students can play. It’s the best option if you can’t hit high notes while playing the violin, or you want to be a cellist but don’t want to carry it around.

Difference Between Viola and Violin

At first glance, violas and violins look almost the same. But if you look at it closely, you will notice that they are exactly different instruments. When it comes to size, a viola is the smaller version of cello and the larger version of violin making it the most ideal option for so many reasons. A viola size normally ranges from 15.5 – 16.5 inches. It is a bit larger compared to violin which only ranges from 14 inches in size. When it comes to pitch, the viola will sound a little lower as the top string of a viola is ‘A’ compared to the violin which has ‘E’ as the top string.

Reasons Why Playing Viola Is Better Than Others

Before you check out for a viola for sale and purchase one online or on your nearest music store, here are some reasons why playing viola is better than others.

  • First of all, the viola is unique in terms of its size, features, and sounds. It’s like a crossbreed of cello and violin, hence the more gorgeous design and features. There are many sizes available as well as various lengths to suit the unique needs of beginners, intermediate, and professional violists.
  • Skilled enough violists can play cello, violin, and their own genre of music. That means you can enjoy more opportunities in the music industry. You get to learn different clefs while taking advantage of more advanced music lessons. In addition, you get to play different genres including classical, rock and roll, baroque, Broadway, and even romantic.
  • Many composers nowadays are more inclined to writing for viola music while the musical community develops new music. You can even play these pieces using your electric viola. While some musicians concentrate on playing melodies out front, our violists today are playing more on harmony.
  • There are so many beautiful things that are connected to the name “viola”. For instance, viola means flower. It’s also the name of one character in Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. When you play this instrument, you can support and help other musicians, especially in an orchestra.

Importance of Viola in Musical Organizations

Viola is a legit team player. It has proven time and again that group musicals are better played with this essential instrument. It creates harmony when being played along with other stringed instruments. While the violin plays the melody, viola represents the alto part. Also, it’s one of the greatest instruments that you can easily play with regardless of your skill level. There’s really no reason not to try learning to play viola if you want to expand your musical abilities especially if you’re into classical music.

Even your teacher would say that viola is perhaps the most awesome instrument to play in history. Not just because it’s a classical instrument, but it also has the unique features that you cannot simply find in other musical instruments today.

Courtesy of Elle Cabreza.

2 thoughts on “What Makes a Viola Instrument Awesome?”

  1. Bought a viola for my 12 year old daughter who just decided one day out of the blue she wanted to play the viola. And it had to be blue but not just any blue the blue of her home-stuck blood color. I have no clue of what to look for in a viola. I read many reviews. This one seemed perfect with all it came from and the price so I ordered it. We got it yesterday it only took two days to get. She opened the case took it out and started playing it was all set up. Major plus of course it needs tuned but with the help of YouTube we accomplished this…she is absolutely in love with it! Thanks for posting this article.

    1. Sorry for the late reply Mario. Thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed the article and glad your daughter loved the viola !

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