Tag: covid 19 vaccine

  • COVID Conspiracy: Official Music Video

    COVID Conspiracy is a new song by Harson Robkus, our first in 10 years, and is accompanied by our debut music video, which is premiering TONIGHT on YouTube (10/12/2021) at 9 pm UK time. *EDIT The video is now LIVE! Who are Harson Robkus? COVID Conspiracy is written, produced and performed by Harson Robkus, who…

    COVID Conspiracy: Official Music Video
  • COVID Diary : All for Nothing?

    I’ve hopefully articulated on these pages how tough the last 18 months have been, but a couple of things happened recently that got me thinking: Was the cause really anything to do with COVID after all? As we approach Freedom Day tomorrow (19th July 2021), and numbers are once again on the increase, have we…

    COVID Diary : All for Nothing?
  • Safety Tips for Touring During COVID-19 Transitions

    It is fair to say that 2020 was a terrible year for musicians. The arrival of COVID-19 and the necessary social distancing measures made it nearly impossible to go on the road and play shows for the hungry masses. While more well-known bands could probably get by, less famous artists have been counting the days…

    Safety Tips for Touring During COVID-19 Transitions
  • COVID Diary: The Beginning of the End?

    With COVID cases, deaths, and hospital admissions down and falling every day in the UK, lockdown measures being relaxed, and vaccine appointments booked, is this really the beginning of the end? Today felt like a big day. It’s been a couple of weeks since my age group qualified for the vaccine, but a local centre…

    COVID Diary: The Beginning of the End?
  • Covid Diary: The Rude Awakening.

    Despite over a year of COVID, lock-downs, and homeschooling, COVID hasn’t affected our family all that much… until this week! I really did believe we were in the clear. COVID cases, deaths, and hospital admissions had been decreasing for weeks now, and all the while, the UK vaccination programme continued at pace, with the total…

    Covid Diary: The Rude Awakening.